Saturday, April 24, 2010


So, Monday started quite the crazy week for us! Jeff was scheduled for work in St. Louis for the week. We woke up, got ready and the kids and I headed over to my dad and Laura's house for waffles with Michele, June, Gramma, and Grampa, just like we do every Monday morning. Jeff headed out for St. Louis shortly after that. At about 9:45 a.m. while the kids were playing and Callum was sleeping, I got a call from Jeff. "Hey babe, um, leave the kids there, I need you to come get me, I've been in a bad accident" He had an eery sense of calm about him, and I was in full on panic mode. He assured me he was okay, but kept telling me, be careful and just come get me giving very few details while on the phone. He was on I-70 past Odessa (that's about 30 miles east of KC). His rear tire blew while on the interstate, that caused his car to go crazy, he spun around from the left lane into the right (now facing oncoming traffic) and then rolled twice landing with the driver's side door/window on the grass. After the car stopped, he was greeted by several people who stopped to help, he climbed out of the passenger side window (it was broken and shattered everywhere) and stood back to check everything out. Still walking. Still breathing. Nothing broken. I still can't believe it.

Jeff's car before

While on the phone with Jeff, I jumped up to leave to pick him up, then realized, Callum had no milk at dad's house. If Callum woke up and there was no milk...everyone would be sorry. My mind was scattered but Laura and Michele helped me figure everything out. Michele took my house keys and went to our house and got the Callum boy some milk (only setting off the alarm once hehe). I set off for Odessa and about 5 minutes into the trip, realized my gas light was on. I had to stop quickly, fill up and head back out on the highway. It felt like the longest trip of my life. I'm pretty sure I was driving 95-100 mph the whole way, which was something I had no idea my car could do. I didn't know what I was going to show up to. Jeff wouldn't give me many details over the phone, he was surrounded by other people and the police officer. He just kept telling me, "be careful and come get me." When I finally got to Jeff he was waiting in the police officer's car and his car had already been towed away. I followed the officer and Jeff to the tow lot the whole time thinking, "I just want to see him, touch him, and make sure he's alright" When we got to the tow lot, I got my first glance at the car and immediately thought to myself, there's no way he's "fine". I parked the car, and ran to Jeff who was waiting for me and hugged him for a bit. He seemed "fine". He still had this eery sense of calm about him and I didn't know what to make of it. I should've known better though, Jeff is always the one who stays calm and collected in any intense situation. I'm sure he was still processing everything as well. We cleaned out the car, which was full with work supplies, clothes for the week, and lots of other miscellaneous items. We finally got in my car to come home and I finally felt like things were okay. He was in shock, I could see it on his face.

...and after

That afternoon we went to our family doctor's office just to make sure there wasn't anything wrong that we were missing. The only thing he had to show for the accident, was a few cuts on his hands and forearms. The doctor did a very thorough check and gave us a clean bill. He told us a few things to watch for and sent Jeff home with some good meds for the pain that was sure to be setting in through the next couple of days. Jeff got a little sore as the day went on, even worse the next day but by Wednesday he said he felt much better. I still can't believe it.

For me, this has brought me to realize how grateful and lucky I am to have Jeff as my husband. I realize more than ever how much I need him, how much we need him. I am thankful beyond words that it wasn't any worse. I still can't believe it.

The rest of the week was spent talking to a lot of different people from our insurance company, shopping for a new car, and taking care of all the details in between. We settled on a Toyota Prius for our new car. We love it, and especially love its gas mileage! Since Jeff travels so much for work, we decided that a better fuel efficient car was definitely the way to go. (I tried to work out a mini van, but it got out voted) There isn't a car out there more fuel efficient that a Prius, and we like all the other benefits that a hybrid has to offer. We've started out with a light green 2006, but may be switching things up today with CarMax. (we always seem to end up there for car shopping, and they've always been really good to us. I recommend them for sure!) After we purchased the green Prius, we looked online and found another one that we aren't sure how we missed. Its a year newer and has half the miles. Today we go back to CarMax (who offers a 5 day penalty-free return policy) to check out the other Prius and will probably be bringing it home instead. Be looking for a post on Jeff's blog about all the wonderfully green aspects of the Prius (that was for you Jeremy)

I don't have any pictures fo the green one, but this is the one we're looking at today

I want to say thank you to everyone who has kept Jeff in their thoughts this week. We have had a lot of time together to realize how very very blessed we are to still have him with us.

p.s. upon researching the Prius we found that they are coming out with a Prius mini van!! Be looking for that to join our family in a few years!

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