Monday, April 12, 2010

just a little bit of life...

Aside from all the soccer fun and Easter business, I thought I'd share some of the day-to-day happenings that have been going on around our house. First of all, we've been struggling with Adrianne making it through the night without pottying. Since she was about 2 1/2 we've put her in a pull-up for bedtime. Lately, as we were still putting her in a pull-up for bed time, she started taking advantage of the pull up, and not going to the bathroom in the toilet because it was just easier to go in the pull up. Needless to say, that was unacceptable for my fully potty trained (except at night) 4 year old to be doing. So, the pull ups went away and a potty chart went up. For every night that Adrianne wakes up without an accident she puts a sticker on her chart, after 5 stickers she gets a prize. (she's created the list of prizes) For her first prize, she asked to go to Paradise Park. For those of you who aren't familiar, Paradise Park is ultimately a children's museum type place that Adrianne loves to visit. For this trip we brought June and Savanna along, and we all had a great time! Since this trip she's gotten two more prizes. One was a trip to feed the fish and skip rocks with her dad and as I type this, she is seeing the movie "How to train a dragon" in 3D at the theater with Jeff. I'm sure she's having a blast. I've learned through many many peed on sheets the past few weeks that she is a very sound sleeper and is unable to wake up to go to the bathroom. If I set my alarm for midnight and wake her to go, she almost always wakes up dry. I'm not sure how long it will take me getting up with her for her to make it through the night by herself, but I think we're one step closer!

All the girls with their faces painted

Callum got new sippy cups in his Easter basket and gave them a try. He loves to play with the cup and can grab on to the handles to pick it up. If I hold it for him, he'll take drinks out of it. Its hard for him to hold it up high enough to get a drink out. He loves chewing on the spout too.

Callum also got a new chair for the table. The high chair was taking up too much space in our cramped kitchen and I saw this hook-on chair in a babies r us ad. We got it for our table and Callum loves it! He really likes being at the table with us when we're eating. He feels like such a big boy!

I'm a big boy!

Here are some pictures from the past couple weeks of the kids.

Adie and her best bud Emily

Callum boy, such a great smile!
Even though Adie's eyes are only half opened, I love this picture!
Coming up with a naughty plan I'm sure!

We decided this weekend to try to sell our house. We have wanted to sell it for a while now, but have been unsure if we'd be able to. Hopefully our realtor is able to make it happen for us. We would love some more space, and a place to settle for many many years. If it doesn't sell in the next 6 months or so, we're going to take it off the market and stay here a little longer. We'll just have to see what happens! If you know someone interested in a starter home, please send them our way!

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