Monday, April 12, 2010


Well, Adrianne has had her first and second games of soccer! The games are just about hysterical to watch and Adrianne tries her best to keep focused but finds that to be a challenge most of the game. Its hard to keep focus when there are other kids walking, or people sitting on the side lines, or grass to be picked, or wind blowing. Pretty much anything causes her to take her focus off of the ball and onto something else. However, when she does have her attention in the right place, she does great! She follows the ball, tries to get in the huddle of kids to kick it, and if she's close enough to the goal, she tries really really hard to get one in. The games are a little too long for her, she's usually ready to be done about halfway through the second (of four) quarter. She does tough it out and plays the whole game, but man, she's exhausted by the end.

Adie right before game #1

Adie and her new (and old) soccer friends

Go Adie Go!!

June got a great view!

"I'm ready to be done!"

Big Cal before game #2

Adrianne with Grandma and Aunt Vanna

Callum hanging out with Aunt Lyn

Adrianne catching up with the ball

...and this is Adrianne twirling, rather than playing.

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