Monday, March 15, 2010


Tonight was Adrianne's first practice for her first organized sport. She has been excited to start playing soccer since we first mentioned it, and today the excitement was more than she could handle. Once we got to practice, her nerves kicked in a little bit and she was a little reluctant to jump in and play. After just a little warming up, she got right in with the other kids and had a great time. Today's high temperature was 50 something degrees so when I left work to make it to practice on time, it seemed pretty nice out. By the time we got to practice, it was much cooler and kept with that trend as the night went on. Because I got home from work just in time to jump back in the car and head to practice, we neglected to bring a coat or hat for Callum. We had him bundled up in the carseat with his blanket and cover and figured he'd be fine during the practice time that way. Callum had other plans. He wanted to get out and see what was going on so we had to improvise. Adrianne had a hat for practice that lasted about 10 minutes. Since she didn't want to wear it, I put it on Callum, wrapped him up in the blanket and papoose-d him inside my coat. He just loved watching the kids run around and play. Our friends Luke and Jamie are coaching the team, and we are so grateful that they are taking it on. The kids were all very excited to be outside playing and running and not so much excited to listen to Luke or try to have some sort of organized play. Luke did a great job trying to get some basics in but overall, it was kind of a free-for-all. After it was all said and done, Adrianne got in the car and wanted to know the next time she'd be able to play soccerball again. I'm so glad she's having such a great time and can't wait to watch the fun week after week.

starting the kids out running a lap

Look at that concentration!

Adrianne cheesing, when she was supposed to be kicking the ball back and forth.

This was her asking me if she "won". Of course I told her yes.
Look how happy that made her!

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