Sunday, March 14, 2010

Finally some fresh air

I think we all know the weather has been less than desirable the past several months. Last week however, we got a glorious, wonderful, amazing break from the dread with some 60 degree weather. Callum usually has a cover on his carseat with only a small window for him to see out of. Since it was so nice out, we took it off and it was like he was seeing the world for the first time. He loved being able to look out the windows in the car. He especially enjoyed being able to feel the fresh air when we walked to and from the car.

Adrianne was able to get outside with Jeff to "help" him work in the yard. She had a blast playing with her bubbles and digging in the dirt. The goggles she has on leave many minds curious, but I believe she picked up the idea from a commercial she saw for goggles that make bubbles look 3-D. If that isn't the reason, then I have no idea. I do know that it makes for a great picture!

We met up at the park with Nate, Michele and June. This was Callum's first time going and he decided he loves being outside. The kids had such a good time running, climbing, sliding and swinging. I think they have missed it and are definitely ready for more days like it. Callum got in the swing for the first time. The first attempt went a little rough. I put him in, let go to push, and before I could start pushing he leaned forward with his arms by his side and slammed his nose into the edge of the swing. Needless to say, he wasn't too happy. I got him out, calmed him down and after a while, gave the swing another try. This time, being much more careful, he LOVED it. He smiled the whole time. I'm thinking he'll want to do that again the next time we go.

Lately, the weather has kind of gone back to the normal chilly grey yucky stuff but I know blue skies and sunshine are coming back to stay soon. Until then, we'll just remember the great time we had.

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